var temp var rc5_speed_l var rc5_speed_t var vmin=-600 var vmax=600 var led_pulse timer.period[0]=20 sub setmotor call math.min(rc5_speed_t, rc5_speed_t, vmax) call math.max(rc5_speed_t, rc5_speed_t, vmin) call math.min(rc5_speed_l, rc5_speed_l, vmax) call math.max(rc5_speed_l, rc5_speed_l, vmin) = rc5_speed_l + rc5_speed_t = rc5_speed_l - rc5_speed_t onevent button.left if button.left==1 then rc5_speed_t = -200 end callsub setmotor onevent button.right if button.right==1 then rc5_speed_t = 200 end callsub setmotor onevent if then rc5_speed_t=0 rc5_speed_l=0 end callsub setmotor onevent button.backward if button.backward==1 then if rc5_speed_t !=0 then rc5_speed_t = 0 else rc5_speed_l = rc5_speed_l-200 end end callsub setmotor onevent button.forward if button.forward==1 then if rc5_speed_t !=0 then rc5_speed_t = 0 else rc5_speed_l = rc5_speed_l+200 end end callsub setmotor onevent buttons when button.backward==1 and button.forward==1 do rc5_speed_l = 0 end when button.right==1 and button.left==1 do rc5_speed_t = 0 end callsub setmotor onevent timer0 #Body color pulse led_pulse = led_pulse + 1 if led_pulse > 0 then call,0 , led_pulse) if led_pulse > 40 then led_pulse = -64 end else temp=-led_pulse/2 call, 0, temp) end onevent rc5 if rc5.command !=0 then if rc5.command == 2 or rc5.command == 80 or rc5.command == 32 then #react to "number 2", "move cursor upwards" and "channel up" if rc5_speed_t!=0 then rc5_speed_t = 0 else rc5_speed_l = rc5_speed_l+200 end elseif rc5.command == 4 or rc5.command == 85 or rc5.command == 17 then #react to "number 4", "move cursor left" and "decrease volume" rc5_speed_t = -200 elseif rc5.command == 8 or rc5.command == 81 or rc5.command == 33 then #react to "number 8", "move cursor downward"s and "channel down" if rc5_speed_t!=0 then rc5_speed_t = 0 else rc5_speed_l = rc5_speed_l-200 end elseif rc5.command == 6 or rc5.command == 86 or rc5.command == 16 then #react to "number 6", "move cursor right" and "increase volume" rc5_speed_t = 200 elseif rc5.command == 5 or rc5.command == 87 or rc5.command == 13 then #react to "number 5", "acknowledge" and "master mute" rc5_speed_t = 0 rc5_speed_l = 0 end rc5.command = 0 end